If there’s a singular problem facing the world today, it’s the lack of discernment reflected in billions of people choosing to align with dark forces intent on destroying them physically, mentally, financially and spiritually.
Those who read this book will be exposed to many evidences put forth by the author that counters the “official 2020 narrative” and you'll discover how deceived the world is.
Those who read this book will discover the plans and planners behind the methods used to manipulate the minds of the masses through crisis plays, propaganda, brainwashing and sales techniques taken from the military and advertising world.
You’ll learn of ways to build God honoring, life affirming alternatives to the demon controlled earthly structures we’ve come to rely on.
This book is must-reading for pastors who wish to equip their flocks, teachers who want to instruct their students, business owners who wish to preserve their businesses and parents who want to protect their children. Last but not least, it’s for anyone wishing to have discernment to outwit the dark forces of this world.
If you take to heart what’s written in this book, you’ll be in position to positively transform your life and your loved ones for generations to come.

If you are thinking about starting a podcast, I suggest you purchase The Podcasters Cookbook as your entry point into the podcasting world.
This book was written:
To help you create a successful podcast platform.
To help you make an informed decision before starting a podcast.
To help you avoid some of the pitfalls podcasters face.
To introduce myself and my philosophy of podcasting.