Those who live in fear don’t live at all, they shrivel up and become a mere shell of their former self. Steve Johann
Those who promote fear are not your friends but adversaries who wish to suppress the spark of life that exists within you. Did you know we are under attack? It’s true, each and every day of our life we under attack but unlike a physical war it is carried out within our mind not on a battle field in some far off land.
Think for a moment. Every day we are pitched fear inducing stories and narratives that aren’t there to inform but to create anxiety and unease and ultimately fear within us. Fear is an enemy you must battle each and every moment.
How do we do battle against fear? We do it by training our mind. By equipping our self with truth not falsehood, facts not deception. We train our self to have discernment. This means taking time to understand all sides of an issue all sides of what we are facing. We embrace life not death, even though we accept death as part of the life cycle we live life fully as God intended to live. Speaking of God, we place our total in Him and His scriptures, not in man and man-made proclamations that go against His Word.
While at a dark time in history, Churchill quipped the following to some reporters who wanted info on the war: “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”.
In other words when we let fear dictate our thinking, it will restrict our mind and our actions, we will focus inward rather than outward and when this happens, we go into mental lock down where we close off outside voices that can provide alternative views which help us find solutions.
Governments and non-government groups (NGO) and expert advisory committees are guilty of working from a fear based models, it’s called, group think. This fear based group think quite often leads to disastrous results reflected in harsh restrictive measures that exasperate the original issue rather than alleviating it. The end result is more restrictions on our liberties and so much more. Keep in mind with few exceptions, governments never close down an agency they open or a policy that is enacted.
On the flip side, when we let go of fear we are set free to find answers to our problems, we are no longer bound by isolating thinking which binds us up instead we are liberated to live in freedom, dignity and purpose and the resolve to stand up and keep moving forward regardless of whatever trials and tests come our way and boy are we going through some testing as of the writing of this article.
Let not fear rule thy heart dear fellow, for it, will take on a life of its own, which will devour you if not kept in check. Steve Johann